Reports had it that the heiress' 17 pets alone had cost her family $50,000 a year for maintenance. Aside from her frequent partying in elite clubs and her everyday lifestyle necessities (including her million-dollar cars and dresses), Paris Hilton is also said to loiter money with her first class flights. The 27-year old socialite flies on first class planes with her entourage and stays on hotel suites for $6,500 a night. While in Moscow for an MTV event, millionaire Paris Hilton was even reported to spend $30,000 in a wine store.
To all of Paris Hilton's extravagance and "intimate" relationship with money as a girl, a spokesperson for the Hilton family couldn't help but admit that the Hilton family is nearing bankruptcy. “Paris has spent more than she should’ve in the past 5 years and now her family is paying for it. If she spends much more, her family will go bankrupt.”
Tsk tsk, believing all these stuffs makes us think that "some people never really get beyond their stupid pride!" If the Paris Hilton will continue squandering money and eventually bankrupt her family's fortune, she will surely have a perfect taste of “the simple life,” if not a miserable one...